Our Programs


Eagle Class - Kindergarten Program

  • Language: We aim to strengthen language skills by reinforcing the alphabet and their phonetic sounds to lay foundations for reading and writing simple sentences.
  • Math: Students' math skills will be developed through basic arithmetics, number sense, and data collection. Students will also be taught time concepts and geometric shapes.
  • Social Studies: Students will learn about different cultures through food and art; they will also learn basic geography and world history through various projects.
  • Science: Questions are encouraged and students are taught to design basic hypotheses and apply scientific methodology to find answers. Students will also participate in a variety of fun projects and experiments that aim to engage them with science concepts.
  • Art/Music: Art skills and senses are developed and practiced in various projects where students will experiment with colors, perspectives, and proportions. Students will also engage in various musical activities and performances and learn about rhythm and melody.

Lion Class - Preschool

— for 3 years to 5 years or until kindergarten ready
  • Through hands-on activities, asking questions and experiment provide kids opportunities to discover and learn to fulfill their innate curiosity.
  • Manners, peace education, grace and courtesy are introduced and practiced throughout daily routine.
  • Daily life skills, social skills and problem solving are learned through playing and interacting with peers.
  • Mathematics concepts and language skills are developed individually

Lamb Class - Early Preschool

— for 24 months to 36 months or until potty trained
  • Our toddler program is designed to provide children with a sense of security and belonging
  • Daily routines and developmentally appropriate materials and activities promote growth in children's independence and skills
  • Hands-on playtime supports children’s creative expression, problem-solving, and social skills
  • Potty training is included in the program

chapel time

Our school provides Chapel Time to give the children the opportunity to learn about Jesus through songs and stories. 

bible education, practical life skills, mathematics, language, sciEnce, geography, culture, music, and art

Our curriculum for both Toddler and Primary Level programs spans and interrelates the subject area of Bible Education, Practical Life Skills, Mathematics, Language, Science, Geography, Culture, Music, and Art. These concepts and skills enable the children to further develop coordination, concentration, sense of order, independence, academic and creative identity -- all of which develop a child's confidence level and sense of self-worth.

inspiring learning

Our school also provides opportunities for children to grow and develop through exploration and experimentation with inspiring learning materials and age-appropriate activities. 

hands-on materials

Our stimulating, organized classrooms offer a wide variety of hands-on materials that the children utilize individually and in small groups, under the careful guidance of our well-prepared teachers.